What is a Fracture?

What is a Fracture?


Being told that you have a fracture can be scary, but knowledge is power. Simply put, a fracture is a medical term for a break in a bone within the body. There are many different classifications of a fracture, and each one has its characteristics and healing time. Read below to learn about the different types of fractures and what to expect as you recover.

Types of Fractures:

Overall Classification of Break:

∙ Displaced: Bone breaks and moves out of place.

∙ Non-Displaced: Bone breaks but does not move out of place.

∙ Closed: Bone does not break through the skin.

∙ Open: Bone breaks through the skin.

Patterns of Fractures:

Ways in which the Bone can Break:

∙ Avulsion: A piece of bone breaks off.

∙ Comminuted: Bone breaks into many pieces.

∙ Greenstick: The bone bends but does not break completely (familiar in children).

∙ Spiral: The bone twists which creates the break.

∙ Stress: A small fracture in the bone (hairline).

How Long will it take to Heal?

Fractures can take anywhere from 3 to 12 weeks to healbut this does not include the time spent rehabbing afterward. Regardless of what type of fracture you have, Physical Therapy can help you recover.

By Dr. Billy Beaudreau, PT, DPT, MTC, OCS, FAAOMPT