Treating Back Pain

Treating Back Pain

Treating Back Pain

Most of us will experience back pain of some sort during our lifetime. While back pain is prevalent in our society, it isn’t something you have to “live with”.

Causes of Back Pain

Back pain can be caused by multiple things depending on where the pain is in the spine, along with the type of pain you are experiencing. Some common causes of back pain are:

  • Muscle weakness: muscles work together to help to coordinate proper movements. If you have weakness of one of the muscles surrounding the spine it can cause a muscle imbalance that can cause pain
  • Radiculopathy: increased compression on a nerve causing burning, numbness, and/or tingling that can shoot down into the extremities
  • Herniated Discs: a condition where a vertebral disc (located between the vertebrae of your spine) protrudes into the spinal canal.  The protruding part of the disc can put pressure on other structures including nerves and cause pain.

Treatment for Back Pain

Physical therapy is one of the best options to help relieve your back pain. Physical therapy can not only help diagnosis what is causing your pain but can help you treat your pain by evaluating your body mechanics to help decrease stress on your spine with daily activities. This is done by:

  • Improving the mobility of the joints and muscles
  • Improving flexibility
  • Relieving muscle spasms
  • Increasing muscle strength and balance
  • Improving posture
  • Instructing on proper lifting techniques

The physical therapists at CPT can help find the cause of your back pain by completing a thorough evaluation discussing your pain and goals to create a specific plan for you.

By Dr. Billy Beaudreau, PT, DPT, MTC, OCS, FAAOMPT