Everyday Tasks Should Not Cause Discomfort

Everyday Tasks Should Not Cause Discomfort

Everyday Tasks Should Not Cause Discomfort

Golfer’s Elbow is also known as Medial Epicondylitis which involves an injury on the inside of
the elbow caused by excessive and repeated stress placed on the tendon. The muscles that bend
your wrist travel up and attach to the inside of the elbow. Then a tendon attaches muscles to bone
and becomes aggravated by overuse of the muscles over several days.

Who experiences Golfer’s Elbow?

You do not have to be a golfer to feel the effects of this issue. It is common with anyone who
performs repetitive movements such as:

  • Lifting
  • Throwing
  • Jobs (Examples: Construction or Plumbing)
  • Sports (Examples: Racket Sports, Golf, CrossFit)

What are some of the symptoms that you experience if you have Golfer’s Elbow?

  • Pain on the inside of the elbow.
  • Possible numbness and tingling into the hand, especially the ring and pinky fingers.
  • Stiffness and weakness of the forearm.
  • Tenderness when you touch the inside of the elbow.

Why should you address this immediately?  

Tendons do not have an excellent blood supply, so if it goes unaddressed and you continue to
perform movements that aggravate you, this could cause the tendon to tear.
It is essential to seek out a Physical Therapist to address these issues and tailor a treatment to
take care of your needs. It is necessary to have someone guide you through the appropriate
exercises and give you home exercises that will benefit you and your overall wellbeing.
Sessions at Comprehensive Physical Therapy will involve hands-on therapy to address the
soft tissue restrictions and educate you on the proper ergonomic setup and return to sport.
You will be back to normal activities pain-free in no time.